Water Scarcity in India

On an eventful day in 2016, devastating floods cascaded upon Chennai, encasing the city in a pool of water.Waterlogged streets became a thing of mundane relevance, sojourning for days on end while evacuation plans were hastily sought.The incident alone wasn’t as dire an emergency as the events and statistics that unfolded thereafter.The city faced aContinue reading “Water Scarcity in India”

Sewage Treatment Plant The Best One can get

The role of Sewage Treatment Plant is to treat wastewater which further can be used in plantation, cooling industry, manufacturing , FMCG, automobiles and more.There are different variants of sewage treatment plant starting from small to big and Netsol Water Solutions offers you the best products like Compact Sewage Treatment Plant which comes at bestContinue reading “Sewage Treatment Plant The Best One can get”

Role of Sewage Treatment Plant in 2019

In today’s scenario apart from development what else we have achieved??. We have achieved Global Warming, we have seen the eradication of resources like water, air, land and you name it we have it. Do you know, who is responsible for this outcome cum outburst of depletion? .Yes, you know that, yes great we “humanContinue reading “Role of Sewage Treatment Plant in 2019”

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