India’s Best Water Warrior and NGO for Water Problem Solutions in Country

India is facing many water problems like drought, wastewater, water pollution, river pollution and most importantly drinking water problem. But there is some heroes ‘Waterman of India’ and NGO are working 24*7 for solving this.

Raw Water Treatment Challenges

What are the basic RAW WATER TREATMENT challenges and how can they be avoided ? There can be several challenges that can surface during raw water treatment when industrial companies start treating a raw water source for the different processes. Irrespective of designing a new plant or upgrading existing equipment, overcoming the five raw waterContinue reading “Raw Water Treatment Challenges”

Working of Raw Water Treatment Systems

There is a requirement for some type of raw water treatment system to ensure an efficient process as well as a quality product, for any industrial company that uses a raw water source for its facility. The most effective raw water treatment system will help the facility to avoid the following: 1.avoid costly plant downtime,Continue reading “Working of Raw Water Treatment Systems”

Usage of Water Resources by Humans

Water has been used by humans for different purposes from the earliest civilizations to the modern world. Let us explore the different usage of water by humans as below: Water for drinking and the disposal of wastes Water helps human beings to complete their life cycles as water is one of the essential components ofContinue reading “Usage of Water Resources by Humans”

Smart City Infrastructure And Solutions

Cities are the engines as well as the backbones of growth for the economy of every nation across the world. A large chunk of the world’s current population lives in urban areas and contributes a major share of the World’s GDP. With increasing urbanization, urban areas are expected to house larger % of the world’sContinue reading “Smart City Infrastructure And Solutions”

How to protect environment in daily life

Our environment is made up of five elements – Air, Earth, Fire, Space and Water. Knowledge of these five elements is necessary to manage the balance in the environment that will create sustainable living conditions for all the living beings on earth. Balance of these 5 elements will maintain the balance between physical sub-elements andContinue reading “How to protect environment in daily life”

Water Treatment Technologies

Water Solutions & Technology There is a lot to do for earth resources like water as it is getting depleted through water pollution, wastage of water and many more.Wastage of water is at rise as ton of litres is wasted domestically as well as through industries setup.In today’s scenario Water Scarcity problem has created havocContinue reading “Water Treatment Technologies”

Saving Water in India

Clean and fresh water has become a limited resource. This has happened primarily due to the severe droughts happening throughout the world. The supply of fresh water has therefore become one of our most precious resources. Many of us consider water supply to be infinite and tend to make maximum use of water. It hasContinue reading “Saving Water in India”

Water Scarcity in India

On an eventful day in 2016, devastating floods cascaded upon Chennai, encasing the city in a pool of water.Waterlogged streets became a thing of mundane relevance, sojourning for days on end while evacuation plans were hastily sought.The incident alone wasn’t as dire an emergency as the events and statistics that unfolded thereafter.The city faced aContinue reading “Water Scarcity in India”

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